How does it works?

Maca Root is believed to help sexual performance and act as an aphrodisiac that boosts libido in both men and women. Chemical research has demonstrated that Maca Root contains a chemical called p-methoxybenzyl isothiocyanate, which has reputed aphrodisiac properties.

Because Maca is thought to balance hormonal activity, it is believed to be useful in cases of sterility and other reproductive and sexual disorders. In men, it is to help treat male impotence and erectile dysfunction and in fact, increase seminal volume and sperm motility. There are also claims that Maca especially enhances sexual performance and endurance.

The April, 2000 issue of Urology reported that the sexual performance claims made by those who used Maca were consistent with the legendary reports coming from Peru. In women, it is said to increase libido, perk up a low sex drive and may, because of the herb's glucosinolate content, enhance fertility. Menopausal women and those who suffer menstrual difficulties may be helped with the use of Maca.

Maca root is also believed to promote healthy estrogen and progesterone levels. Research has shown that Maca Root contains no plant hormones, but its action relies on plant sterols, which act as chemical triggers to help the body produce a higher level of hormones appropriate to the age and gender of the person taking it. Clinical case studies have shown that Maca can help relieve the discomforts of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and menopausal symptoms.

New York-based Dr. Viana Muller introduced Maca to medical doctors practicing CAM (Complementary Alternative Medicine) at the Anti-Ageing Medical Conference in 1997, and noted that Maca Root had been used successfully by Peruvians to regulate hormonal imbalances, menstrual irregularities, fertility and menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, vaginal dryness, osteoporosis, loss of energy and libido and temporary depression in women.

As far as clinical and scientific studies go on the subject...
Alkaloids were first shown to work on the hypothalamus-pituitary axis by Dr. Gloria Chacon de Popovici in 1962. In her studies she found maca greatly increased fertility in both sexes.The peer reviewed journal "Urology" reported a Chinese University trial which proved an increase of nearly 100% in the sexual frequency of animals that had been fed maca. One study claimed that males had a 180% increase in semen production.

In females, Dr. Chacon found that maca increased egg follicle maturation and increased the number of follicles. In males, she noticed increased sperm count as well as increased sperm motility. Thus she deduced that maca wasn't producing hormones in either sex, but rather stimulating each sex to respond in a gender appropriate manner.
Since then, several studies have been conducted on men, and conclusions verified the reports. Science is now showing what Peruvians already knew. Glucosinates (found in plants of the Cruciferae family), specifically methoxybenzly isothiocyanate, are implicated for their action on reproductive hormonal processes while the amino acid L-arginine found in maca is believed to stimulate sexual desire in both sexes and aids erectile tissue response in men.

Since the results of the Chinese test studies on maca and sex were published, many men across North America are offering their own testimonials: reporting revived sexual abilities and stamina, making 60 feel like 16 again. Many women, soothed by the calming effect of maca provides, claim that maca can ease hormone irregularities, restore muscle tone, add moisture and give a youthful glow to the skin. Never mind about the sex, these benefits are a sign of good endocrine health, which rejuvenates us all.

Testimonial from a doctor: "We all hear rumors about various products like maca. But using this Peruvian root myself, I personally experienced a significant improvement in erectile tissue response. I call it "nature's answer to Viagra".